Abduct the Oeuvre
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In this project, discarded palettes become fodder for poetic provocation. By unnaturally forcing a bi-directional synesthetic experience, the artist translates colors into words. Each brushstroke contains a multitude of shades; similarly, each word contains a collection of hues for a grapheme-color synesthete. Each letter has a precise color, and the letters– and, therefore, colors– that make up a word are weighted differently, resulting in a variable algorithm of sorts. Here, the artist pores over dictionaries, searching for the lone entry that perfectly matches a given brushstroke. After each brushstroke has been carefully paired into its semantic counterpart, the words are creatively recombined into poetry. This results in poetic word-neighbors that would be nearly impossible to predict, and are likely nonexistent in any known corpus: an abducted ouevre, a torquing nymph, lagging tomfoolery, and kinetic pores on a zirconium quilt.

Exhibitions & Press:

Several of these pieces were included in Stirring Literary Magazine's Winter 2021 issue.

The process of creating these pieces was featured on the Adobe Blog.

This project was featured in Placeholder Zine.

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